Shoplifting & Compulsive Stealing Program

Pathways Institute works to help people gain control of their lives by helping them stop their compulsive stealing.
Each day millions of Americans steal as a way of dealing with the pain in their lives. Our work is to help people stop stealing and prevent future relapse. We provide psycho-educational and psychotherapeutic treatments to shoplifters whose stealing is psychologically driven and amenable to therapy. By offering an opportunity for rehabilitation rather than punishment, our program offers the criminal justice system an effective intervention to reduce petty theft offenses that are overwhelming the courts.
We work to create a non-judgmental, non-shaming and safe environment so the patient can begin to trust in themselves and fully accept their problems, free to move beyond the secrets into a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Program Benefits 

This Program Will Help Shoplifters & Individuals with Compulsive Stealing Behaviors

  • Stop shoplifting and compulsive stealing behaviors
  • Resolve criminal or other legal problems by providing the court or attorneys with expert assessment and/or treatment
  • Identify high-risk situations that trigger the impulse to steal and develop strategies for overcoming them
  • Become part of a supportive network of people who have been compulsive shoplifters and overcame it
  • Repair job-related problems or revise career plans that have been neglected due to compulsive shoplifting
  • Define and implement lifestyle changes that increase self confidence

Why Seek Treatment? 

Individuals with addictive stealing behaviors don’t know why they steal.

  • You don’t understand how to stop the behaviors
  • You experience shameful feelings that prevent you from talking about you problem in order to get the help you need
  • You don’t understand the consequences of your actions on society, retailers, significant others, or yourself.
  • You end up in jail or prison often suffering from undiagnosed and treated mental illness
  • You are unaware of mental health problems such as impulse disorders, mood disorders, trauma, and anxiety disorders
  • You are unaware of available cognitive behavioral and psychotherapeutic treatment options
  • You are unaware of available psychiatric medication that you may benefit them.

Stealing is an isolating behavior that must be made public in safe individual or group settings. Individuals can begin to talk and understand their problems. They can learn to employ new behaviors in order to resist their impulsive cravings to steal. They learn new ways of coping with the underlying psychological and emotional triggers that lead them to steal. New behaviors combined with psychological understanding are the foundation of relapse prevention.

All inquires are strictly confidential.

Insurance reimbursement may be available.