
Taking Back What’s Been Stolen for Teens: A STOP STEALING Workbook

The STOP STEALING WORKBOOK for Teens is the first workbook written just for teens who steal and the therapists with whom they work. This book gives kids who steal and engage in other impulsive or destructive behaviors ways to stop, and it gives clinicians diagnostic and treatments tools to effectively help their patients.

Taking Back What’s Been Stolen: a STOP STEALING workbook

Taking Back What’s Been Stolen offers hope by providing a program based on the accumulated knowledge of decades of experience helping people stop stealing. The first workbook written for people with kleptomania/compulsive stealing disorder, it offers effective and practical methods to stop this destructive behavior, gain control of their lives, and become free to create a life of choice, and ultimately of deeper meaning.

the sex addict

A group of Psychotherapists in the Bay Area offering counseling and psychotherapy to individuals, couples and families struggling with sexual addiction / compulsion issues, and related relationship issues.

what the wild things are

What The Wild Things Are: Understandings of Self, Awareness, and Mental Health in an Ever-Changing World is a blog page by Samantha Stein Psy.D

The shulman center

The Shulman Center serves individuals, couples, families, organizations, and communities affected by shoplifting, Overspending, employee theft and/or hoarding issues. Since 1992, we’ve helped people from around the world through our sensitive and effective assessment, education, and treatment.